


작성자 관리자 날짜 2023-01-19 14:12:16 조회수 300
  • Dual cylinders - Equipped with dual cylinders which provide jaw exchange.
  • Single main-pin - Easy and simple to detach and storage.
  • Multi-use (3 Jaws for 1 body) - Multi shapes of the jaws in one body.
  • Enhanced durability - Declining tool breakdown and wearing with welded tool, benefit from fine steel.
  • Superior design - Single pin offers narrow grab width, enabling multi-purpose.
  • Handy maintenance - Designed for convenient maintenance by detaching jaw.
  • which allows easy to enter.
  • Enhanced durability.
  • Lower noise.

  • Dual cylinders - Equipped with dual cylinders which provide jaw exchange.
  • Single main-pin - Easy and simple to detach and storage.
  • Multi-use (3 Jaws for 1 body) - Multi shapes of the jaws in one body.
  • Enhanced durability - Declining tool breakdown and wearing with welded tool, benefit from fine steel.
  • Superior design - Single pin offers narrow grab width, enabling multi-purpose.
  • Handy maintenance - Designed for convenient maintenance by detaching jaw.
  • which allows easy to enter.
  • Enhanced durability.
  • Lower noise.